Sabrina Carpenter isn’t an industry plant – she’s worse (The Spectator)

The singer is a symptom of a larger problem…

‘The problem with algorithmically-selected art is how algorithms work in the first place. They’re predictive, which means that they work on the basis of what has gone before. This cycle promotes the same content, creating that homogenisation. This might explain why Dua Lipa is now getting parts in Hollywood blockbusters, despite an obvious lack of talent, or why social media influencers have replaced journalists as interviewers on red carpets. It’s why the movie industry is only willing to produce remakes and sequels and it’s why artists like Sabrina Carpenter, a musician who writes forgettable, sugar-rush tunes, finds success. Carpenter isn’t an industry plant, she’s something much worse: an artist who only knows how to do one thing. ‘

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